Secret Language of Birthdays & Relationships

March Fifth The Day of Heaven and Hell
The Day of Heaven and Hell
Expressive, Polished, Incisive


Those born on March 5 usually have two distinct sides to their personality. To the world they may appear debonair and charming, sophisticated, as well as kind and considerate, while inside they are grappling with their personal demons. Extremely secretive, they can be quite different people in private and are often prone to expressing dark feelings and emotions. Productive and creative individuals born on this day are usually able to express both sides of their nature in their work without contradiction or fear of censure. Problems can arise for them in their personal lives which are often not only stormy but sometimes destructive as well. Deep individuals, March 5 people are in touch with the whole spectrum of human emotions which they themselves express at one time or another. They also have a way of bringing out both the best and the worst in others; through piercing insight, those born on this day can expose the weaknesses, deficiencies and insecurities of others with great impact. This is largely because March 5 mental and emotional sensitivities are equally developed. Not surprisingly, those born on this day seem to live life more intensely than others. They also remain open to a wider variety of experiences than most people can handle. It is as if the colors on their palette are a little brighter, the highlights and shadows on their canvas more contrasted. At times March 5 people can be logical and emotionally objective, at others passionate, perhaps irrational, overwhelming people with their intensity—and all this can happen in the short space of a few minutes or seconds! Others may wonder how one person can be so mutable, and adaptable to circumstances. Because they often have a high turnover rate in interpersonal relationships, March 5 people can come to feel somewhat alone in the world. They may even begin to wonder if they will ever find the right person for them. Those that come to realize that it is their own difficult nature that is the source of their dissatisfaction stand a good chance of making needed changes. Such March 5 people can find great joy in simplifying their emotional life. Keeping on a more even keel, and integrating the diverse aspects of their personality is a daunting but greatly rewarding task for March 5 people. It may be true that the friction generated by their internal struggle fires their creative engine. Therefore, some born on this day may fear that by becoming more regular or normal they will dull their cutting edge. Perhaps it is a question of what value they place on happiness. Developing a highly attuned awareness of their effect on others is essential for March 5 people. Cultivating the more unselfish side of their ego and perhaps submitting to some higher spiritual power, focusing on simple acts of kindness in everyday life, makes life easier for themselves and those around them.


Those born on the 5th of the month are ruled by the number 5 and by the speedy planet Mercury, which represents quickness of thought and change. Since Neptune rules Pisces, March 5 people come under the combined influence of Mercury and Neptune, which tends to make them very sensitive to colors, sounds and smells, and expressive of what they feel. Some born on this day may live in an unstable emotional world, in which they can periodically flip from the angelic to the demonic. Whatever pitfalls Number 5 people encounter, they usually recover quickly, which generally holds true for those born on March 5.


The 5th card of the Major Arcana is The Hierophant, an interpreter of sacred mysteries who is symbolic of human understanding and faith. His knowledge is esoteric and he has authority over things unseen. Favorable traits conferred by this card are self-assuredness and insight; unfavorable traits include moralizing, bombast and dogmatism.


Many born on March 5 are subject to dramatic mood swings and emotional fluctuations. They must grapple with negative feelings in particular and learn not to inflict them on those they love. In cultivating personal willpower and self-control they will invariably aid their physical health as well. Usually very opinionated about matters of medical interest or health subjects, those born on this day tend to be hard to advise or convince. Therefore, it is of the greatest importance that they have a physician whom they respect and trust to guide them. March 5 people are no strangers to the pleasures of the table and bed, which though a healthy indication of vitality, must be moderated not only for their sake but for their partners’ also. Severely restricting or eliminating alcohol, nicotine, sugar or other stimulants may be necessary. It is crucial that March 5 people realize that they may in fact have less to fear from the world than from their own defenses. The true danger for them, the one that needs tending to, is often internal.


Regulate your energy—don’t be driven by it. You wag the tail, not the other way around. Keep your priorities straight and be a bit nicer to yourself.


Most children think that they are devils who play at being angels, when very often it is the reverse that is true